HSoup's Armoury
Air Assault Amulet (107%)
Alure's Flames (100%)
Alure's Flames (100%)
Alure's Flames (100%)
Alva's Terrifying Frost Amulet (100%)
Amethystine Axe (106%)
Amethystine Battle Moo +0 (Female)
Amethystine Greathammer (102%)
Amethystine Tower Shield (125%)
Amulet of the Undead (107%)
Ana's Sorrow (100%) [2]
Ancient Fang Spear (112%) [3]
Ancient Feathered Dagger (123%) [2]
Ancient Feathered Dagger (100%) [1]
Ancient Feathered Helm (100%) [1]
Ancient Feathered Helm (140%) [1]
Ancient Feathered Helm (100%) [1]
Ancient Feathered Necklace (100%)
Anemone Flail (100%)
Anemone Flail (120%)
Anemone Flail (100%)
Angelic Staff (100%)
Angelic Staff (100%)
Angelic Staff (100%)