Viewing Bulbasaur's Profile

User ID: #8188
Username: Bulbasaur
Gender: big smelly boy
Last Online: 4 May 2020, 2:48 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 3:53 pm
Username: Bulbasaur
Gender: big smelly boy
Last Online: 4 May 2020, 2:48 am
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 3:53 pm

Profile description

call me bee or by my username, I don't really care!
27 - he/him - finland - infp - pisces
I draw, write, play video games, and eat spicy things. you
might have guessed that I really really like bulbasaur! my
partner Wolfdog and our lil family are everything to me!
I'm chill but not all that social so please don't take it
personally if I don't respond to messages or decline
friend requests - I likely have nothing against you!
NOTE TO STAFF; Wolfdog and I live together and therefore share an IP address.
I love your art!
Also i love your name, bulbasaur is my favorite poke'mon! :D
Mine too x3
Hi, cool name
thank youu!! i love tofu So much omg all your villagers are great and their names are both cute and funny :-)
loving the rhys icon : D broooo
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thank you so much for the cheap high potency Infused Water! I hope you have a nice day! :")
I love your profile! Very nice~!
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