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Viewing Florakoko's Profile

User ID: #75883
Username: Florakoko
Gender: Non-Binary
Registered: 11 Dec 2016, 4:52 am

Profile description

I am no longer active on this site. To get in contact with me about buying one of my villagers or animals from my menagerie or something from my toyhouse, PM me on discord.

All of my villagers are for trade except for Freefall and Feesh! The link below is to my thread where I'm getting rid of all of my shite.

Other places to find me and get ahold of me:
ARPG Linktree: https://linktr.ee/florakokoARPG
Regular Linktree - Includes TH, DA, etc: https://linktr.ee/florakoko

Discord for quick contact: @/Flora#5071

Villagers 15

Comments 68

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    • aww thank you! and no, i wish i drew it! i was looking for a new icon to match my vista and someone in my discord sent it to me :'3

    • O.o I thought it was just the seeds would be replaced..... I hope we can still grow them outsidw the gather month!.....

    • Lol, I getcha!! XD Are they no longer growable by the turn of the month?

    • Thank you for your purchase! XD

    • Aww, jeez, thanks!!

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    • That would be amazing! My weakness are food ocs and plant ocs, so good luck!

    • Your gallery is so pretty and calming! I love the nature/plant vibe!

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