Viewing SenshiSilence's Profile

Profile description

Hello All! I'm SenshiSilence, I go by Senshi, Saturn and Alyx! I prefer he/him pronouns but won't get angry if you use anything else. I'm generally pretty friendly if a bit over-friendly(Like a Golden Retriever!). I'm currently working on building up my plant stock from Olde Foxbury but I'd love plants and seeds from the other Villages. I want to be able to supply pretty much anything but it's a long time goal.
Also I'm in love with a beautiful, brilliant, kind dork of a woman, known only as D-Va (I had to do this to annoy her because she's an adorable nerd.)
Villagers 13
Gallery 5
Magic Red Nosed Deer Plush x4
Magic Holiday Canine Plush x3
Magic Snow Dragon Plush x1
Magic Snowflake Big Cat Plush x1
Magic Husky Canine Plush x2
<3 <3 love you
Thank you for your purchase again~
Thank you for your purchase~
hi you sent me a height sedation awhile ago but i havent been on so i just now saw it! thank you!!
If you'd like to send over the 5000 I'll buy and send the Recipe to you (Dutch). I can also do Mai for you easily without a problem. I'm currently doing a Kirin for another user though so I'll have to finish him up first before I could do anything with heavier linework edits. If you'd like to see my other art or my WIPs then fell free to Message me and we can discuss a price.
Do you still need the Dragon and Dutch AD recipes? I'd be willing to buy them for you for their shop price. c
I'm also wondering what kind of painties you'd need for your villagers.
Thanks for purchasing! Enjoy your medicine~
; v; Thank you a lot for the leech blood, Senshi!