Viewing PrincessRex's Profile

User ID: #1942
Username: PrincessRex
Gender: Genderfluid
Last Online: 1 Apr 2022, 6:31 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:17 pm
Username: PrincessRex
Gender: Genderfluid
Last Online: 1 Apr 2022, 6:31 pm
Registered: 1 Jul 2016, 12:17 pm

Profile description
profile css and animation by noll
Hiya! I'm just here to waste time and have some fun!.
I'm a 18 year old who lives in Canada :3 Oh, and a master pokemon trainer. Can't forget that.
I guess you could say I'm an artist, lol. I do commisions! Please look at my forum posts!
My Dragoncave
My Deviantart
My Paintie Album
Villagers 10
Gallery 7
Magic Palomino Horse Plush x1
Elegant Deer Plush x1
Magic Red Nosed Deer Plush x1
Salmon Paste Hors D'oeuvre x1
Zucchini Slice Hors D'oeuvre x1
Tomato Basil Hors D'oeuvre x1
Serpent's Egg
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theyre adoptables from donburi!! arent they great?
I just want to let you know what you said about my art earlier really hurt my feelings
the code is old, so it needs updates. trophies were meant not to show ever (theyre coded out) so id have to edit the code. it might take a bit for a fix
hmmm it di dure where my trophies are :v noll do you know where they would show?
Courteny wolf
omg we are friends on facebook ID
it's a helper, and thank you !! <3
WINGDINGS aaaaa its totally okay! no sweat