Viewing D-Va's Profile

Profile description

Please note I am not kin with D.Va from Overwatch, just main her in the game!
♪ Current Tunes ♪

rachiilala on goatlings
+1 FurVilla Time
If you buy items from my stall, thank you!!
I leave my computer on, so if it says I'm online but I'm not responding that's why.
Currently working on mastering Tiger's Eye Peak medicine recipes! Any seed/plant donations are appreciated and can trade for my QP stuff.
SenshiSilence is my bf and I love him to pieces. <3

If you have some time, why not visit Meka's house? We both thank you for visiting!

Villagers 15
Gallery 5
Snow Festival Star Fairy x115
Magic Scarf Rabbit Plush x1
Magical Fins x56
Magic Gem x18
Brown Chihuahua +50 (Male)
A+ buisness partner, Would Trade Again. ^^
thank u!! i like mother 3 a lot but it hurts my soul
No problem! ^^
oh my god that's so sweet of you to say 。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。 I love your username and background! Its soothing to look at and so pretty~
Aw, all of those guys fall under the category of characters i'd like to play as, but haven't yet.
I know I've just seen it around online, It should be in korean?
Now I can't un-see Junkrat and Roadhog's Christmas vacation icons.
"Honestly, I can't beat dad at Starcraft"
Thank you so much for the bunnies ^_^